I haven't been posting on the blog for sometime now and there are a couple of reasons. But now I'm back I will share them with you and promise that I will post more regularly.
Firstly, my attention has been elsewhere i.e. Twitter and Facebook and secondly I have been trying to work out how Google + might fit into our marketing activities.
Hootsuite has proven a great help in getting all of my 'stuff' together, but working out how Google expect Blogs and Google+ pages interact has been a little harder for me.
I think I have sorted this now and you blog followers might see more of me in future.
BTW, one of the things that I discovered in my journey is that you can't lie on Social Media. (?) What I mean is that you can't post articles in retrospect and catch up! Still who wants to read old news and comment?
So I hope you will find my renaissance on Blogger helpful to you.
My two main 'crusades' this year are going to be to continue my campaign to get the public sector sharing data and my new focus will be on parking enforcement (which would also benefit from sharing data, but also needs a good dose of 'the efficiency pill'